Monday, April 22, 2013

"Unless." Dr. Seuss

Happy Earth Day!

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

There are so many simple ways to celebrate Earth Day for both adults and children.  While its symbolic to do something specifically for Earth Day, small efforts and changes any day of the year can make a big difference.

Just a few ideas:
Organize/Volunteer to be part of a neighborhood clean up
Plant a tree
Go vegetarian one day per week
Buy local
Purchase a reusable water bottle instead of plastic bottles
Compost your garbage and utilize in your gardens
Stop littering
Plant a garden
Educate your children about the environment
Walk or ride a bike if possible
Skip the lawn chemicals this year
Use natural household cleaners (e.g. vinegar) instead of harsh chemicals
Bring reusable bags to the store

When it comes to small children there are many fun spring time books that you can use as tools.  Two of my personal favorites are Dr. Seuss's The Lorax and Margret & H. A. Rey's Curious George Plants a Tree.  My son is just shy of 3 years old and we spend time talking about gardening, flowers, trees, pollution, recycling, etc.  We use simple terms and apply the concepts to daily life.  Children are like sponges - starting early discussions about how we can help the environment and how nature helps us can have a huge impact on their lives.  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Signs of Spring in the garden

Early Spring this year has been, well not so Spring - like.   I live in Northern Rhode Island, on the southeastern border of Massachusetts.  It's been fairly brisk and we have seen snow more than once since Spring's official start.  It's time to keep your eyes open for more welcome signs of Spring.  I even decided to create a sign or two for myself.  For example, I purchased some beautiful orange tulips and imaged how lovely they would look in my front garden with the yellow daffodils and red tulips that are beginning to pop out of the ground.  Every time I walked through the room, this simple sign of Spring made me smile.


We are finally starting to see a warm afternoon here and there.  It's a perfect time of year to start thinking about clean up from Winter and mapping out what you might want to see in your yard/garden this year.  My husband simply spent a couple hours on a couple occasions, clearing out old leaves that may have blown into the yard over the winter, as well as any trash/debris from the street, assessing our compost situation, etc.  A little love can go a long way.  

In addition, it's a great time of year to begin mapping out your herb/vegetable garden. Start thinking about some of these questions:  Do you plan to start your garden from seeds or small plants? Do you need to rotate your crops to maximize your yields? Will you be using conventional or organic gardening practices?  How many types of plants are appropriate for the space you have available? How can you cohabitate your herbs/vegetables to ensure they are working together to ward off pests or enhance flavor?  Gardening can be as simple or complex as you would like.  On Friday afternoon, my son, Rhys and I went outside to play and ended up weeding our herb/vegetable garden in preparation for planting.  It amazes me how many weeds make there way into the garden throughout the winter.  We do practice organic gardening and as a result face some additional challenges throughout the season/year.  One of the biggest problems we have faced over the last two years - squash bugs and vine borers (SVB).  Stubborn beasts!  We literally had to go out to the garden on a daily basis to inspect and protect our squash, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons and cucumber plants and remove these nasty pests by hand.  Not all battles have been won.  It truly gave us a new respect for farmers.  More on squash bugs and vine borers another time.  

This year we do intend to try planting squash varietals that are more resistant to SVB, such as moschata varietals, Long Island cheese, trombochino, seminole, etc.  Other vegetables we will be planting are green beans (Rhys' personal favorite), tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers and maybe one or two others.  Our herb garden consists of rosemary, lavender, mint, cilantro and basil.  Gardening has been both fun and educational for my whole family. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

2D vs 3D/4D

Hello world!
On February 28, 2012, Jim, Rhys and I had our first 3D/4D ultrasound experience.  It was really amazing!  We had a few sneak peaks at baby Gibson #2 using 2D ultrasound through our OB GYN's office, which provides you with black and white profile images.  Don't get me wrong - also very cool and very much helps you to connect with your baby.  You (hopefully) get to hear the heart beat, see movement and watch the ultrasound technician look for and measure the appropriate body parts to ensure your baby is intact.  During the 3D ultrasound, baby #2 slept through the majority of the experience. He did; however, wake up to give us a yawn.  I wanted to attach the video clip here; however, the Google link to attach a video does not appear to be working.

Playing with umbilical cord
The experience allowed us to feel closer to baby #2, especially because he looked more like a real baby in 3D and you got a sense for what some of his features were starting to look like.  I do have to warn you that at times while the technician is trying to bring the images into focus, the baby can look a bit like an alien.  :)  But no worries, there shouldn't be any aliens growing in your belly. The company we used shares office space in the evenings right in our OB GYN's office.  The women who worked with us made every attempt to provide us with images and the experience we were hoping for and by no means rushed us out of the office.  This is not something covered by your insurance so do plan to pay out of pocket.  We were able to take advantage of a February special we saw advertised in the office and added on a couple extras to create a package we could really enjoy at home.  One addition was a stuffed animal with a recorded heartbeat inside.  What a great idea for a special keepsake!  Rhys loves it and got to select the animal.  Hopefully someday baby #2 will love it too!  I wish we had done this with Rhys.
Rubbing his eyes

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"We live in a beautiful world." (Coldplay)

Be thankful for what we have, not what we don't.

February 26 is just one of many times of year that trigger the memory of my late brother, Kevin Vilnit (10.8.1978 - 2.26.2002).  My brother died of Hodgkin's Lymphoma at the ripe young age of 23.  I was a senior in college at the time and to be honest - it was devastating.  His death has impacted my life significantly and for the long term.  Eleven years have gone by this year and I still miss him like it was yesterday.      

Childhood photo (me, left and Kevin, right)

College photo, Kevin

Time does help heal and it reminds us to appreciate what he have, not dwell on what we don't.  I don't mean this in an insensitive way at all.  And its what Kevin would want.  Of course I wish he was here living and enjoying each holiday, party, birth....each life moment with us.  If you dwell on what you don't have, you will be miserable.  We chose to remember Kevin as a family (we do every year in fact).  We had a gathering at my parent's house with my grandmother, my sister and her family.  We enjoyed pictures, memories and good food.  I went home thankful for that time together and especially thankful for the life I have with my husband and my son Rhys.  Life isn't always fair and it isn't always easy, but there is so much beauty in the world to explore and enjoy.  Go out and find it!  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day from my little beast!

I found a really fun Valentine craft idea on Pinterest to do with Rhys and thought this was one way to really make the most of your groceries!  We started out by cutting off the bottom of the celery stalk, used some red finger paint and stamped the stalk onto cards for our family.  The stamps made pretty roses for our loved ones on Valentine's Day!

Rhys tested out the stamp on scrap paper before we started in on the card stock.

Then we started in on the craft.

After Rhys helped me to add roses to all the cards, I drew stems and leaves for flowers and let him play in the paint.  It got a little messy!

We broke the project into two steps in order to let the paint dry before Rhys added some additional art work to the cards.  So we washed up, had lunch and Rhys went down for his nap.  While he was sleeping I added the writing to the cards.

Once he woke up, Rhys broke out the (washable) markers and added his own personal touch.  Each card came out quite unique, just like my little guy!

This craft was easy, fun and great for winter when we are often stuck indoors.  All done!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beasts that go bump in the night

I truly never know what a given night will hold.  Last Friday I was hoping for a solid night sleep after a hectic and tiring week.  I was practically falling (well, let's be real - actually falling) asleep on the couch around Rhys' bedtime, which is between 7:30 and 8:00 pm.  My husband was kind enough to recognize how exhausted I was and he helped Rhys get ready for bed.  On an almost nightly basis, Rhys convinces Jim to lay down with him.  Nearly an hour later, I peep my head in the bedroom.  Just as I expected - Rhys is still awake, eyes staring at the door and my husband is snoring away.  I (attempt to) wake him up and get ready for bed. I check on the guys one last time.  This time Jim gets up and comes to our room. We try to watch "Seven Psychopaths," but quickly fall asleep.  Throughout the night, Pugsley, our wonderfully athletic black puggle jumps up into our bed hoping he will go unnoticed and be allowed to snuggle alongside us.  This happens, hmmm, at least a dozen times.  At about 1:30 am, I hear the quiet pitter patter of footsteps and a knock on our door.  For about an hour, we go back and forth with Rhys about where he is goes to sleep - his room (the preferred option) or our room.  Eventually, he passes out in our bed.  As the clock ticks on, I faintly hear the sound of what sounds like someone about to vomit - Brody, our fawn puggle.  Jim leaps out of bed and barely gets him into the kitchen when the first round makes its appearance and then again farther into the kitchen he vomits a second time.  At this stage its around 4:30am and now I really can't sleep.  Jim and I have Rhys laying horizontally between us and I am basically being pushed off the side of the bed.  I head out to the couch, curl up under a blanket and watch a movie.

But you know what - it ended up being a great and relaxing morning.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Review of "The Complete Pregnancy Exercise Program"

Review of "The Complete Pregnancy Exercise Program"
Hosted by Michelle Collie, PT, DPT, MS, OCS

I picked up a copy of this DVD in my Providence, Rhode Island based OB-GYN's office.  The program states that it is "designed to prevent pregnancy related problems and assist you in feeling and looking the best that you can" during pregnancy.

According to the website provided on the DVD packaging (, Collie is the owner and director of Performance Physical Therapy based throughout Rhode Island.  The program is 45-minutes in length provides a great full body workout.  The program combines strength, stretching and some yoga. I actually find it to be quite relaxing.  It's a feel good workout for the entire pregnancy.  I didn't utilize it as frequently during the first trimester, as I preferred a more rigorous workout.  Your personal preference would of course be driven by prior fitness level and intensity of workouts. 

Throughout the program, Collie provides varying levels at which you can complete each exercise (e.g. easy, medium, more challenging). Explanations are clear and concise.  She personally demonstrates each level.  I enjoy the commentary throughout the program, as Collie provides good tips and tidbits of information for a varying audience to consider.  My favorite comment from the program is when Collie mentions that your caloric requirements increase when working out and that you might need a snack both before and after completing the program.  I love this!  It made me laugh.  Finally, I enjoy the New Zealand accent.

I would definitely recommend checking out this affordable pregnancy exercise program.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We are who we are

We are who we are...

I spent a lot of time around the new year reflecting.  Reflecting on 2012 - the good, the bad and the ugly.  And believe me there has been ugly!  As I reflected further on the year, I couldn't help but think about all the day to day moments that I was overlooking.  The parts of life that you can miss if you don't stop to savor the moment.  Last year Rhys was saying single words.  This year he is having conversations, using his imagination, enjoying the art of creating. He counts to 20 and now we are working on Spanish.  He sings the alphabet, he sings everything.  This is just one example.

I decided that I personally wanted to be a more loving, understanding & supportive wife and a more patient mother in 2013.  Since quitting my job and leaving my so-called career in the health insurance industry, I've struggled with what being a stay at home mom (SAHM) meant.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Rhys.  It was a drastic change and challenge that while I have struggled with at times, I have appreciated more than anything.

My husband and I made the decision to become a single income household for 2 main reasons.  1) I wasn't getting the type of experience I wanted at work and as a result, after 10 years, I was no longer happy.  And my former employer wasn't listening.  Well, employment is a two-way street and you do have a choice.  So I quit.  2) We wanted to raise our child the way we wanted to raise our child and without added stress.  We wanted it to be easier at home - a clean house, home cooked meals, shirts ironed and more importantly - time together on the weekends.  The point was to focus more on developing Jim's business as a means to move us on the path to achieving our dreams.  Our dreams are more entrepreneurial nature.  While we have faced significant challenges over the last year and a half,  I feel we are stronger as a result.

In 2013, I need to remember who I am - my interests, likes and dislikes.  I was a person before I become a wife and a mother.  I have become a better person because of my family and my experiences.  I have a long way to go.

To a happy and healthy 2013!!

Friday, January 4, 2013


There are many ways to say it, but the fact of the matter is my husband and I are expecting baby #2 and he is a boy.  We were quite surprised!  This pregnancy has been extremely different from my first.  While pregnant with Rhys, I had a smooth and easy pregnancy.  This pregnancy has been quite the opposite - keeping me from many things including my blog for my first trimester.

On January 4, 2013, we had our most recent ultrasound that revealed the gender.  Based on how I have been feeling, the high heart rate, carrying high and Rhys' interest in my belly (informing us regularly that the baby was a girl) - we thought it was a girl.  The good news is we were interested in having a healthy baby and are just as happy with another boy.  Almost immediately we saw the following, which had us laughing:

The pregnancy is going as well as it can be (health-wise) according to our doctor.  So we are happy to hear all of this news.  I am finally starting to feel more like myself again and truly hope the feeling lasts. :)
