Friday, January 4, 2013


There are many ways to say it, but the fact of the matter is my husband and I are expecting baby #2 and he is a boy.  We were quite surprised!  This pregnancy has been extremely different from my first.  While pregnant with Rhys, I had a smooth and easy pregnancy.  This pregnancy has been quite the opposite - keeping me from many things including my blog for my first trimester.

On January 4, 2013, we had our most recent ultrasound that revealed the gender.  Based on how I have been feeling, the high heart rate, carrying high and Rhys' interest in my belly (informing us regularly that the baby was a girl) - we thought it was a girl.  The good news is we were interested in having a healthy baby and are just as happy with another boy.  Almost immediately we saw the following, which had us laughing:

The pregnancy is going as well as it can be (health-wise) according to our doctor.  So we are happy to hear all of this news.  I am finally starting to feel more like myself again and truly hope the feeling lasts. :)


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