Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"We live in a beautiful world." (Coldplay)

Be thankful for what we have, not what we don't.

February 26 is just one of many times of year that trigger the memory of my late brother, Kevin Vilnit (10.8.1978 - 2.26.2002).  My brother died of Hodgkin's Lymphoma at the ripe young age of 23.  I was a senior in college at the time and to be honest - it was devastating.  His death has impacted my life significantly and for the long term.  Eleven years have gone by this year and I still miss him like it was yesterday.      

Childhood photo (me, left and Kevin, right)

College photo, Kevin

Time does help heal and it reminds us to appreciate what he have, not dwell on what we don't.  I don't mean this in an insensitive way at all.  And its what Kevin would want.  Of course I wish he was here living and enjoying each holiday, party, birth....each life moment with us.  If you dwell on what you don't have, you will be miserable.  We chose to remember Kevin as a family (we do every year in fact).  We had a gathering at my parent's house with my grandmother, my sister and her family.  We enjoyed pictures, memories and good food.  I went home thankful for that time together and especially thankful for the life I have with my husband and my son Rhys.  Life isn't always fair and it isn't always easy, but there is so much beauty in the world to explore and enjoy.  Go out and find it!  

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