Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We are who we are

We are who we are...

I spent a lot of time around the new year reflecting.  Reflecting on 2012 - the good, the bad and the ugly.  And believe me there has been ugly!  As I reflected further on the year, I couldn't help but think about all the day to day moments that I was overlooking.  The parts of life that you can miss if you don't stop to savor the moment.  Last year Rhys was saying single words.  This year he is having conversations, using his imagination, enjoying the art of creating. He counts to 20 and now we are working on Spanish.  He sings the alphabet, he sings everything.  This is just one example.

I decided that I personally wanted to be a more loving, understanding & supportive wife and a more patient mother in 2013.  Since quitting my job and leaving my so-called career in the health insurance industry, I've struggled with what being a stay at home mom (SAHM) meant.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Rhys.  It was a drastic change and challenge that while I have struggled with at times, I have appreciated more than anything.

My husband and I made the decision to become a single income household for 2 main reasons.  1) I wasn't getting the type of experience I wanted at work and as a result, after 10 years, I was no longer happy.  And my former employer wasn't listening.  Well, employment is a two-way street and you do have a choice.  So I quit.  2) We wanted to raise our child the way we wanted to raise our child and without added stress.  We wanted it to be easier at home - a clean house, home cooked meals, shirts ironed and more importantly - time together on the weekends.  The point was to focus more on developing Jim's business as a means to move us on the path to achieving our dreams.  Our dreams are more entrepreneurial nature.  While we have faced significant challenges over the last year and a half,  I feel we are stronger as a result.

In 2013, I need to remember who I am - my interests, likes and dislikes.  I was a person before I become a wife and a mother.  I have become a better person because of my family and my experiences.  I have a long way to go.

To a happy and healthy 2013!!

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