Saturday, October 20, 2012

A day in the life of a puggle...

Jim and I own 2 puggles, Pugsley and Brody.  Puggles are a wonderful breed.  They are medium sized (ours both weigh around 20 pounds) dogs.  They are very active and if you like to exercise - they are thrilled to join you.  They love to cuddle and sleep.  Our two dogs are males and have interesting personalities.  Pugsley has more pug traits and Brody more beagle.  Pugsley is loyal and loving, but boy is he trouble.  Since we have owned Pugsley (he's five)- he has had 2 multiple day emergency room visits for blockages (one requiring surgery).  He has had surgery on his eye (no fault of his own).  He has had unexpected trips to the vet where we have been able to induce vomitting to get whatever he ate (typically a sock) out of his system before he starts digesting it.  I have gotten better at doing this myself - but it is no small feat.  We have caught both Brody and Pugsley playing with dead animals they have caught from squirrels, to birds to mice.  Yuck! 
Who me?!?
Pugsley pulling

Pugsley is an escape artist.  Our back yard is fenced, but that doesn't stop him.  In the winter, if we get a lot of snow, he will climb snow piles and go over the fence.  Once the snow starts to melt and the ground is soft and wet or if it rains - he takes the opportunity to dig holes and go under the fence.  Brody takes no part in the behavior.  As a matter of fact, he will run over to the door and lead us to the scene of the crime to let us know what has happened.  When Pugsley gets out he bolts.  My husband chases him all over the neighborhood.  He darts in front of cars and deep into the woods across the street.  We try to bribe him with treats; however, he truly seems to have a death wish at times.  Last night, we were just about to put my son Rhys to sleep when I went out back to check on the dogs.  Brody came in and Pugsley was no where to be found.  I told my husband who immediately went out back to double check and then jumped in the car to start our search.  I assumed our chances of finding him at night were slim.  He backed up slowly (just in case) when he saw something a couple of houses down the street moving in the front lawn.  It was Pugsley.  He is very hard to see at night since he has black fur.  Jim put on his hazard lights in the car and blocked the road hoping this would signal to any approaching cars that something was going on.  I went to the front door when I heard Jim yelling and start calling for Pugsley and asking if he wanted peanut butter.  He came sprinting from the neighbors lawn directly towards the door.  Rhys was excited as he was approaching. Pugsley ran in, grabbed the bread from Rhys' hand as he zoomed by and headed towards the kitchen.  Breadless, the excitement for Rhys wore off.  We were happy and shocked as the chases have often lasted 30 - 60 minutes in the past.  Perhaps he sensed he would be a goner out there over night.  What a beast!

Prince Brody

Brody hiking


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